Best miami gay bars

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The neighborhood still maintains its reputation as a gay-friendly area of Miami, just 10 minutes south of downtown on Biscayne Bay. Swanky meets sexy on the sun-splashed playground.Ĭoconut Grove was once the epicenter of gay and lesbian life in South Florida before South Beach took the wheel. South Beach is home to the largest concentration of gay-friendly businesses and hotels in Miami and is the hotspot for nightlife and fabulous dining. The gayborhood is flanked by the ocean on one side and a rainbow of pastel-colored hotels, restaurants, and bars on the other side. South Beach, or SoBe, is the heart of gay Miami. Think “The Birdcage” with hot, tan bodies everywhere. The Atlantic Ocean borders South Beach to the East, Alton Road to the West, Sixth Street to the South, and Dade Boulevard to the North. Here you’ll find a diverse blend of tourists, giving it an International flair. The city has still maintained its reputation as the hotspot gay playground. When you’re in town, don’t skip gay-friendly South Beach. Miami is the “Gay Riviera” of the United States East Coast. Enjoy a margarita and soak up the sun at Miami’s gay beach near Ocean Drive. When night falls, dance the night away at one of the city’s amazing gay and lesbian nightclubs.

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